What is the full form of OK? - Okey Vs OK

What is the full form of OK? This question must have come to your mind at some time or the other. Most people believe that OK is a short form of the word Okey, which means 'ok' if it is said in Hindi, but in fact, there is no such thing. You may be a little surprised to know that the word Ok is very old in history.

Today, through this article, what is the full form of OK, we will tell you that the full form of Ok is in Hindi, as well as we will tell you that the word Ok has originated, which more full form of the word Ok. It is believed that how the word Ok is used, and where the use of Ok Full Form in Hindi is said, etc. Then let's start without delay.

The full form of OK is "All Correct". OK is a term that is very commonly used in common colloquialisms. The word Ok is the most spoken word in the world, this thing has also been mentioned by the BBC and many other websites. According to some websites, the word Ok is the most spoken word after Hello. The word Ok is an English word but it is used in different languages ​​in English-speaking countries as well as in other countries.

Apart from the common colloquial usage of this word in books, works, newspapers, books, etc., it seems that it is not a common word but a recognized word that does not have any concrete meaning. The word Ok is used in different ways rather than for a particular verb.

Usually, most people use it to approve. Not now, the history of the word Ok is very old. Even today, this thing has taken the form of debate among many people and many people are still trying to know what is the real secret behind the word Ok.

Does OK really have a full form?

Yes, Ok is a full form of the word Ok and not 1, but many full forms of the word Ok have been considered. The reason for this is that the word Ok is used in different ways so that no particular meaning of the word Ok comes out.

For this reason, many full forms of the word Ok have been told by experts. At the moment, we tell you what the full form of the word Ok comes from history, after this, we will make you aware of the other full forms of Ok.

Full form of OK in Hindi:

OK is called " all is right " in Hindi. Most people and in schools are told that the word OK is the short form of Okey. But looking at the history there, the Ok word is not the short form of a word, but the full form of the word Ok comes out.

Basically, different forms of the word Ok have been told by different experts, but looking at the history behind it, the full form of the word Ok is ' All Correct '.

Now you may be thinking that the short form of All Correct should be AC ​​but why is OK. So, let us tell you, on one hand, it is believed that it was originated by mistake, on the other hand, it is believed that it was not born by mistake but as a satire or a joke, and these words are spreading slowly all over the world. Has become operational.

Although it is not a matter of two opinions that the English language is the most used language in the world and Ok is an English language word, then it is natural that Ok is the most used word in the world. Before we become aware of other full forms of the word Ok, we will make you aware of the history of Ok's main full form 'All Correct'.

How did the word Ok originate?

The history of the word Ok is about 180 years old. According to the universality, the word Ok originated from the country of America in the 19th century. Many people believe that Ok originated due to incorrect pronunciation. But the word Ok originated as a satire or a joke. In the 19th century, it was popular to use any word as a satire and people used to pronounce the words intentionally in a funny manner.

Similarly, the word Ok was first used in a funny manner in 1839 at Charles Gordon Greene's office, and he used the term to edit an article in the Boston Morning Post on March 23, 1839, in which the word Oll Korrect was used.

Oll Korrect is a mispronunciation of the word All Correct which was deliberately used as a sarcastic remark. All Correct means 'all is well' in Hindi. After this, the Short Form Ok of Oll Korrect began to be used and the word Ok became popular throughout America. This word became so popular that today it is used all over the world.

According to Wikipedia, the word Ok is a short form of Ole Kurreck which is derived from American English. Now, in many places like social media chatting, etc., the short form of Ok is also being used as K.

You must have seen the word Ok written in big letters in many products. When Ok is used in a product, then its full form is ' Objection Killed ', which means 'no objection remaining' in Hindi.

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Other full forms of OK:

According to experts, different full forms of the word Ok have been considered. Let's know

1. All correct

2. Okay

3. Objection killed

4. Objection Knock

5. All Clear

How is the word ok used?

The word Ok is used differently, lets understand -

To make a move:


1. I am Ok ie I am fine.

2. You are Ok, that is, you are fine

3. All my Ok is going on, that is, I am doing well.

4. I have made the condition of my car perfectly ok, that is, I have made the condition of my car perfectly or very good.

To approve or agree:

Example: Like I asked for some kind of help from someone and he told me Ok in response, then I will admit that he has given the approval to help.

To give a statement:


1. You do not interfere in my work Ok.

2. I am fine, you see you Ok.

3. Anyone who did not do homework tomorrow will be punished.

At the beginning of any sentence:


1. Let's see Ok.

2. Ok see you.

What did you learn today?

I hope you have liked this article, what is the full form of OK. It has always been my endeavor to provide complete information about Ok full form in Hindi to the readers so that they do not have to search in reference to that article on any other sites or internet.

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