Good News! Google Chrome users will get this big update, searching and downloading will be easy

Google is going to launch a new safety feature. Also, a scanning tool will be introduced. With the help of this, you will be able to get information about dangerous files even before downloading. 


Good News! Google Chrome users will get this big update, searching and downloading will be easy

If you are a Google Chrome user, then you are going to have a lot of conveniences, because Google is going to give a big update to the Chrome browser. 

After this, it will be safe for Chrome browser users to search and download anything. In such a situation, Google will be helped to prevent incidents like a fraud.

Google's new safety feature will come soon:

Google is going to launch a new safety feature. Also, a scanning tool will be introduced. With the help of this, you will be able to get information about dangerous files even before downloading. This feature was launched last year for secure browsing. 

According to Varun Khaneja of Chrome Security, no additional protection is being given in this feature. In this case, when you install a new extension from the Chrome Web Store, a dialog box will appear, which will tell whether the extension you are installing is safe or not.

Scan's dangerous files:

After the new security update, if you send a file to Chrome, Google will upload it for safe browsing. Google will then check the link in real-time and if the file is unsafe, Chrome will issue a notification. 

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At the same time, users can ignore the notification according to their own and will be able to open the file without scanning. The uploaded files are then removed from Safe Browsing after some time of scanning.

Browser Security:

According to Google, 'Enhanced Safe Browsing' users are 35 percent more secure than another browsing. The company said in a blog post on Thursday that "starting with Chrome 91, we'll be rolling out new features to better help Safe Browsing users choose their extensions.

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